Necromancer could be in, Interview on Aug. 25th

#1 - Aug. 26, 2013, 11:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post

If you read this article from they interviewed Josh Mosqueira on Aug. 25th and they said the Necromancer will play a role as either a NPC or possibly a playable character. But we will not know anything until Blizzcon so it is still speculation about using the necromancer as a character but they will have some sort of role.
#8 - Aug. 27, 2013, 12:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
08/26/2013 04:24 PMPosted by Allister
If you read this article from they interviewed Josh Mosqueira on Aug. 25th and they said the Necromancer will play a role as either a NPC or possibly a playable character. But we will not know anything until Blizzcon so it is still speculation about using the necromancer as a character but they will have some sort of role.

Vaeflare confirmed it earlier, but there is no harm in saying again. You'll get a chance to meet a familiar necromancer npc, but the only additional playable class in Reaper of Souls is the Crusader. We'll have more information to share about the Crusader in the coming months, but this armored, battle-worn, veteran will be a mighty addition to hero roster of Diablo III.