Moderate:Witch Doctor Tooltip Broken

#1 - Feb. 14, 2012, 3:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Currently, the level 29 Witch Doctor passive skill (Grave Injustice) reads: "!!Won't Translate!! - Powers_Witchdoctor_Passive_GraveInjustice_Name" as the name. "!!Won't Translate!! - Powers_Witchdoctor_Passive_GraveInjustice_var_stats" in the description and "!!Won't Translate!! - Powers_Witchdoctor_Passive_GraveInjustice_desc" in the flavor text.
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Quality Assurance
#5 - Feb. 15, 2012, 6:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/13/2012 08:01 PMPosted by Nomadd
Can't seem to find the path for screenshots... and when I try to print screen, it just completely ignores it, there must be some NDA coding written into the application to ignore it. =\

My Documents --> Diablo III --> Screenshots