Malthael the bad guy... wait what?

#1 - Aug. 22, 2013, 8:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Is anyone else confused by this plot direction. At first i saw it and was like oh cool lost angel is back okay so the game continues... but then i thought hand on and had a quick gander at the Book of Cain.

it says that Malthael is the archangel of wisdom and former member of the angiris council. He is noted as being intelligent and noble and once said to cherish all life but later being melancholy and frightening.
Okay but non of that actually equates to an archangel of death as he appears to be portrayed int eh cinematic.

Inarius on the other hand - now he fits the sterio type for the villan here - proven record of genocide, unwillingness to partake in the eternal struggle, most likelly would want the soul stone destroyed and just generally he is a **** stirrer. Now that makes sense. Despite the despute with Lilith it's conceavable that they would team up to do some nasty things together, afterall Lilith loathes Mephisto and quite possibly all the prime evils would surelly be more in line to be the bad guy either along with Inarius or by herself.

...But Malthael... sorry but i'm just not seeing the logic, or perhaps i just don't get it. I reserve teh possibility for they to be some crazy plot twist... but this is Diablo - that doesn't really happen here, it's more of an obvious game really.

So... what on earth is going on here? thoughts?
#28 - Sept. 9, 2013, 10:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/22/2013 05:18 PMPosted by Jortalus
Malthael seems more like a more neutral sort of character. He isn't strictly good or strictly evil; I believe his motive is to destroy all demons. It just so happens that the Nephalem are half-demons as well as half-angels. He didn't kill Tyrael because Tyrael is not a demon.

You've got a pretty good point! We'll have to wait for the expansion to get all of the details, but here is the basic premise for Malthael's motivation. The Lords of Hell are no longer a threat, and the Prime Evil has been defeated. Humans are the descendents of angels and demons, and are now the most powerful demonic force left. If Malthael can quickly strike them down, then the Eternal Conflict will be over, and the Angels will be victorious.