#1 - April 17, 2015, 5 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Make the Most out of Season 3 with This One Simple Tool

Patch 2.2.0 boasts over 50 new and updated Legendary powers, giving you more viable builds than ever before to tinker with in Season 3. Whether you enjoy testing the limits of different skill combos or simply want to share a solid starter build with a friend who's new to seasonal play, it helps to know about D3Planner.com

We've heard a lot of buzz about this tool (designed by d07RiV) lately, and it's easy to see why.

While it includes the usual features players want from a character calculator, D3Planner.com also has several useful additions. Some—like the ability to drag-and-drop gear onto a paper doll—make the calculator more intuitive and easy to use, while others—like the ability to see how different group buffs affect your defense and DPS—are clever accessories we've yet to see in similar web apps.

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Of note: d07RiV has been actively taking suggestions via his site (as well as in this Reddit Diablo thread) on how he can improve the calculator and make it more useful for interested players. If you've got the bandwidth, definitely give the site a try, create a few builds, and then share your feedback!

D3Planner.com is a wonderful widget to help you to experiment with potential builds and properly prepare for future ones, and we're thrilled to see such a promising tool made available to the community. 

But what did you think? Is this calculator just what you've been looking for to take hero leveling to the next level, or does it fall it short of what you need in a build-building tool? Let us know in the comments below!