Hero Attributes

#1 - Aug. 12, 2012, 2:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Is there any reason why the following list seems a little incomplete?
"stats": {
"life": 2836,
"damage": 174.848,
"armor": 334,
"strength": 93,
"dexterity": 153,
"vitality": 268,
"intelligence": 348,
"physicalResist": 26,
"fireResist": 26,
"coldResist": 26,
"lightningResist": 26,
"poisonResist": 26,
"arcaneResist": 26,
"damageIncrease": 3.4800000190734863,
"critChance": 0.06499999761581421,
"damageReduction": 0.18211600184440613

Stats like resources (Fury,Mana,..) seem important to get a more complete overview on how well some hero is doing.
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#3 - Aug. 12, 2012, 4:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There are some things that are incorrectly calculated and didn't make the cut for this release or have changed so much in 1.0.4 that releasing them at this time didn't make sense.