dear blizzard staff character amount concern

#1 - Aug. 26, 2013, 5:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
dear blizzard staff finally the expansion that i was waiting for is finally here but you know i have 10 characters 2 barbarians male and female and the same goes with all the classes 2 of each both genders if you guys are gonna add the crusader 2 of them both genders but i dont want to delete any of my other characters they are already lvl 60 and some paragons is there any way to add 2 or more character slots???
#4 - Aug. 26, 2013, 9:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Josh Mosqueira was asked if the expansion would add more character slots, and he said he would like to offer at least two additional slots, but currently didn't have any details to share. We'll be sure to let everyone know what to expect as soon as we're able to.