Clan founders

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#1 - March 4, 2014, 1:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I'd like to change the subject and ask other clan makers questions.
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As a clan maker if I promote some one to leader can they kick me out of the clan?
How come there isn't a spot for the founder of the clan?
So far I like the clan option but there are some things that feel left out. Do you think there sould be something there isn't post it up here and tell me if you think they should have what I pointed out up at the top.

Editing in
So far I have 12 officers. How many do you have? I also have 4 other members.
Has anyone max it out yet? I'm still looking for more members too.
#17 - March 5, 2014, 6:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
03/03/2014 09:54 AMPosted by Fox
As a clan maker if I promote some one to leader can they kick me out of the clan?

Clan leader's have the ability to kick whoever they choose out of the Clan, and that includes the former leader.

03/04/2014 01:15 PMPosted by Fox
Will there be a spot for the founder of the clan as well?
We can see location but why not see how much time as been from the last log in?

We don't have any current plans to add these features to the Clan system, but I'd be willing to pass along these suggestions.