Auction House: Search Criteria and Filters

#1 - Feb. 8, 2012, 6:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
In the auction house, the search criteria and filters are non-functioning. This was not listed in the stickies which indicate known issues or issues that are not bugs. This may have been intentional but I'm reporting it on the off chance that I'm the only one who noticed. For example while searching for Armor > Helm, you will find page after page of helms but if you want to find specifically a Magic Find helm then no items are found. I tested out different weapons are armor with different search criteria and most if not all of them to not work which forces you to sift through hundreds of pages looking for the specific item you want.

I could not even find some search criteria at all such as Intelligence, Dexterity, Strength and a few other useful attributes people might be expected to search for which makes it that much more difficult to find items with specific stats. Additionally filters such as Armor, DPS, Bid, Buy out and Time Left to not filter the list from greatest to least or vice versa. Overall this makes finding the right items tedious and time consuming.
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Quality Assurance
#3 - Feb. 10, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please post all Auction House related bugs in this thread:

Thank you!