[ANSWERED] Rathma's Set - 2.6.0 Hotfixes

#1 - July 12, 2017, 1:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
According to... Tyvalir

Adjusted the Bones of Rathma six-piece set bonus based on player feedsback (7/10)

The six-piece bonus will now grant 625% (up from 250%) damage to your minions and Army of the Dead skill for each active Skeletal Mage with a total cap of 2500%. With this, players will only need to summon four (down from ten) Skeletal Mages to receive the full six-piece set bonus. Additional Skeletal Mages can still be summoned to attack your enemies, but aren’t needed to maintain the bonus. This makes maintaining the bonus less time consuming and allows damage to ramp up more quickly at the start of combat. The total number of Skeletal Mages that can be active at a time is unchanged (ten). (7/10)

But my armor set still shows the 250% on the six-piece bonus. I have 4 ancient pieces and hate to loose the whole armor set.

Will my armor six-piece bonus automatically change to reflect the new hotfix or what ?

Could a blue Blizzard Dev Team member could answer please.

Thank u
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#7 - July 12, 2017, 2:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
07/11/2017 11:55 AMPosted by vAnires
Will my armor six-piece bonus automatically change to reflect the new hotfix or what ?

As we have done so in the past, yes, current set pieces will have the new adjustment in place.

Please note that, as is common with hotfixes, the tooltip has not been updated to reflect this change. However, the hotfix is live and mechanically should be active. :)