+50% XP ? sad... so sad.

#1 - March 17, 2014, 2:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
what have you come to blizzard? what market are you going after?
it sure as #$% isn't me or my peers.


other people and other peoples peers pay to win,...

you used to have some real class.

I am not surprised... the rmah showed me who you were blizz,
this is no different. Once again you spammed my sc2 client with
d3 related CRAP so here we go again with me popping off about
how utterly unimpressed I am with d3....

you gave me a beta key... I'm grateful for that.... because it saved me
the full retail price... (or the discount price... havn't bought it... waste of money)

you are failing badly blizzard.

I had a run in with POE admins and they gave me the business....
offended as I was and still slightly am... you sir's are far lesser admins
and mods. I will not count on any of your products meeting my standards

but I did tell you this as well upon release of d3 1.0

eventually,.... even idiots learn lessons... that goes for both myself and blizzard.

gl @ whatever you plan to do next... clearly you will need it... because what you
were isn't what you are... and what you were? had nothing to do with luck.

your company is corporate trash.
#14 - March 17, 2014, 11:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We do appreciate the critical feedback, however we ask that when feedback is provided it is done so in way that is civil and articulate. Posts which include any inflammatory language or name calling is not conductive to the kinds of discussions we wish to promote here, as such this thread will now be locked.

If you choose to remake the thread to share your thoughts, please be mindful of our response here and posit your ideas in a manner that is constructive and considerate. Thank you.
#15 - March 17, 2014, 11:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We do appreciate critical feedback, however we ask that when feedback is provided it is done so in way that is civil and articulate. Posts which include any inflammatory language or name calling is not conductive to the kinds of discussions we wish to promote here, as such this thread will now be locked.

If you choose to remake the thread to share your thoughts, please be mindful of our response here and posit your ideas in a manner that is constructive and considerate. Thank you.