The Authenticator: Security for Your Legendary Stuff

#1 - June 20, 2012, 4:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Get an extra layer of security for your legendary Diablo III loot with the Authenticator!

Designed to buff your resistances against compromise attacks such as keyloggers and Trojans, the Authenticator works by providing you with a secure, one-time use passcode that’s unique to your account. Once attached to your account, you’ll periodically be prompted to enter one of these codes in addition to your regular account password when logging into the game client or Account Management.*

Pretty simple!

Find out which type of Authenticator is best for you:

  • Authenticator Mobile App - Perfect for players with access to a smart phone or compatible mobile device, and available for free for iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android users.

For additional security tips, be sure to read our full article on account security and visit our dedicated website at


*Note that by default, after you've successfully logged in with an Authenticator a certain number of times from a certain location, you won't be prompted for a code every time you log in. You can require to ask for a code every time by modifying your Security Options in Account Management, located here.

#2 - Feb. 6, 2014, midnight
Blizzard Post
@Funkychild: Not necessarily true, I personally tend to spend gold as soon as I earn it by upgrading an item here and there.